Truly Glad and Grateful to Have You Here!

Welcome to Our Newsletter!

Hello dear friend!

I'm delighted to have you here—a community where we desire to see everyone, and women especially, walking in the freedom and fullness of life that God intended.

We also look to God to provide biblically sound solutions to issues affecting us as we walk with God each day and live the Christian life.

You can expect to receive content encompassing biblical womanhood, biblical hospitality, and budget-friendly living for the Child of God.

I also share a weekly devotional to strengthen you for your God-ordained purpose.

I can't wait to continue connecting with you more and more each week!

Remember that you are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you to do! (Eph. 2:10)

You are loved by God.



Did you know I have written a book on Biblical womanhood, based on the Proverbs 31 passage?

I have explored contextual realities affecting women in our time and generation. I have then addressed these realities with the truth of God's Word in light of the Proverbs 31 chapter. This is to help each woman align with the truth, even the Lord Jesus Christ, thereby experiencing the freedom we all long for and the life that is truly life.

The book offers biblical advice and solutions for practical living for the woman who desires to live a godly life. You can purchase the latest updated copy (soft copy or paperback) here on Amazon. "(Paid link)"

If you are in Kenya or its environs, you can purchase a hard copy on here.

If you haven't already done so, you're welcome to subscribe to our YouTube channels below for valuable content that I trust will be a blessing!

Formations of a Noble Woman

Recipes and Hospitality With Clara

You can expect to read our insightful blogs on various topics affecting the Christian woman. You can read one of these blogs here.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30)

Formations of a Noble Woman

I'm an author, blogger, and YouTuber who loves to talk and share about faith & spirituality, biblical womanhood, biblical hospitality, and budget-friendly living. Subscribe to join our newsletter readers every week!

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